Upper Cervical Chiropractic
People suffering from a variety of health conditions have had their health restored through Upper Cervical Chiropractic care. This “natural approach” confirms the fact that the body is a self-healing organism directly controlled and coordinated by the central nervous system. Our goal as Upper Cervical doctors is to properly align the top two bones in your neck. When these two bones are aligned, your head is “on straight” and your brain can effectively communicate with your body to achieve optimal function.
If you currently suffer from any of the related health conditions mentioned above and would like to schedule an appointment, please select our “New Patients” tab.
Why should you consider an “Upper Cervical” chiropractor for adjusting your neck?
C1 and C2 are commonly known as “Atlas” and “Axis”. They are located at the Craniocervical Junction (the part of the body where the neck meets/supports the head). This part of the spine is susceptible to injury. Common injuries include car accidents, sports injuries, whiplash, slips/falls, poor posture and even the birth process.
A misalignment in the Upper Cervical spine can affect the function of the brainstem. This in turn can cause associated health conditions. For this reason, this area of the spine should be properly analyzed and adjusted by a precise but soft technique.
In addition, an Upper Cervical doctor checks for body imbalances as an indicator of an Upper Cervical problem and takes specific X-rays to analyze the multi-directional twist of the Upper Cervical vertebrae. There are no standard corrections for the amount of different ways the Upper Cervical area can misalign. Once the subluxation is understood, a gentle force is applied to the top of the neck to unlock the vertebra without pushing it into position. The Innate Intelligence within the body then seats the bone into a better position, allowing for more nerve function.
After the correction, it is crucial to rest to ensure that the correction holds. Upper Cervical doctors monitor the nervous system, allowing for more permanent corrections and positive healing momentum. Overall, Upper Cervical Chiropractic care is a unique approach to health that aims to restore nerve function by gently unlocking the Upper Cervical spine and monitoring the nervous system to prevent pressure on the brainstem from returning. This process leads to excellent results.